- Adults
- Alternative Medicine
- Alzheimers & Aging
- Animal-Assisted Therapy
- Autism
- Behavior Therapy
- Child & Adolescent
- Closeout
- Communication
- Couples-Family-Parenting
- Cultural Diversity
- Depression & Anxiety
- Domestic Violence
- Ethics & Risk Management
- Gender Identity
- Human Trafficking
- Laws & Rules
- Medical Errors
- Mindfulness & Yoga
- Miscellaneous
- National Psychologist
- Nutrition & Fitness
- Pain Management
- Psychotherapy
- Sexuality
- Substance Abuse
- Suicide
- Supervision
- Trauma & PTSD

Dana Denissel, MOT
About the Author
Dana Denissel, MOT, earned her Master’s Degree in Occupational Therapy from Texas Woman’s University, and a Bachelor of Arts with a major in Anthropology from Texas A&M University. She has been employed in a variety of health care settings as an occupational therapist and supervisor. Dana’s interest in running began in 1988 when she sought out an exercise regime to combat depression. In the beginning she most enjoyed the time it afforded her with her thoughts, and the sense of freedom. She has since trained for and completed several marathons with the assistance of her online coach, Eric Orton.
Financial: Dana Denissel is an author for Professional Development Resources and receives royalties on sales of her courses.
Nonfinancial: No relevant nonfinancial relationship exists.