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Stephanie Sarkis, PhD, NCC, LMHC
About the Author
Stephanie Sarkis, PhD, NCC, LMHC, is a National Certified Counselor (NCC) and Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC) based in Boca Raton, Florida, where she specializes in the treatment of ADD/ADHD. She earned a Doctor of Philosophy in Mental Health Counseling at the University of Florida in 2002. Dr. Sarkis is the author of four books: 10 Simple Solutions to Adult ADD: How to Overcome Chronic Distraction & Accomplish Your Goals (2006); Making the Grade with ADD: A Student’s Guide to Succeeding in College with Attention Deficit Disorder (2008); ADD and Your Money: A Guide to Personal Finance for Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder (2009); and Adult ADD: A Guide for the Newly Diagnosed (March 2011).
Financial: No relevant financial relationships exist.
Nonfinancial: No relevant nonfinancial relationships exist.